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Code Linters, Minify Code & Validation


AtomLinter pricing: FREE
Multiple code languages linter for Atom editor with availabe plugins
Operating System:
Linux Windows Apple


Autoprefixer pricing: FREE
Automatically adds necessary vendor prefixes to CSS
Operating System:

Code Climate

Code Climate pricing: $ $ $$ = $29 or less
$ $ = $30-$59
$ $ $ = $60 or more
(for lowest plan)
Automated code review for local, hosted and on-premise environments with open source CLI and integrates with 3rd party apps
Operating System:

CSS Lint

CSS Lint pricing: FREE
CSS code linter
Operating System:


DirtyMarkup pricing: FREE
Clean Up HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code with REST API access
Operating System:


ESLint pricing: FREE
JavaScript code linter with command line interface and requires Node.js
Operating System:
Linux Windows Apple

JavaScript Lint

JavaScript Lint pricing: FREE
JavaScript code linter
Operating System:
Web Linux Windows Apple


JSCompress pricing: FREE
JavaScript code compression tool
Operating System:


JSHint pricing: FREE
JavaScript code linter with open source community
Operating System:
Web Linux Windows Apple

PHP Code Checker

PHP Code Checker pricing: FREE
PHP code linter
Operating System:

Style Lint

Style Lint pricing: FREE
CSS code linter with support for plugins
Operating System:


Unminify pricing: FREE
Unminify JavaScript, CSS and HTML code making it readable
Operating System:

Extends Class

Extends Class pricing: FREE
The Python error checker tool identifies syntax errors (lint) efficiently. Test your Python code directly in your browser. When detecting a syntax error, the tool highlights the problematic line, saving time by eliminating the need to search for it.
Operating System:

Linters, Minifers and Validators are automated web tools that check and improve your source code. Code Linters check your source code for syntax errors and will show you which lines the errors are on. Code Minifiers reduce and compress the size of your source code files smaller by stripping out line breaks, spaces and unnecessary characters. Code Validators read your code to make sure it is in compliance with rules and regulations set up by the Word Wide Web (W3) Consortium.

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